Wednesday, July 10, 2013

数学で攻撃無神論/Sūgaku de kōgeki mushinron/Attack atheism in mathematics

Who are we, and what are we are all philosophical questions and many of these questions are best resolved by an idea, that we exist and we are human. It's not just something that we do everyday and yet when the time calls we should defend our faith with math, logic, premises and how to use math in it. Of course morality uses math too. Everything uses math whether it is the age of the earth, but let's go on to why I believe in God with mathematics. In fact mathematics seems to dictate this entire world regardless if we note it or not. This is weird because actually, we don't realize that math dictates this world. Think of all these integration laws we have and it can't seem to be made by accident.

I really think there needs to be deeper meaning in mathematics and in life. Lets take a verse in the bible, even though there is harsh criticism. For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be (Mark Chapter 13, verse 19). Now this verse may look like there is no math, but let's take a look at the second part first. such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be. Mark here uses some intense words to try to keep up, well Jesus does at least. I feel that in here "beginning of creation" I think there are these set rules or tribulations to keep us safe from harm, not just from the anti-Christ but the numbers of calculus to preserve us and all these laws of physics that we know. There are all these rules and in one day all those rules will be understood and we can get to know God and understand why. There are more laws that tell us how to eat in the bible, reading it can really help.

A quote by Galileo Galilei: 
“Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.” And I think this quote is very well written and this is because it is true. I feel that God really has put numbers all over the bible and we seem to think that numbers can't prove God. In fact I have seen numbers prove God time in time again. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven ad that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or power. All things were created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1: 16 KJV (this is because this is my only bible). And math is nothing different. God wants us to walk with him and he wants us to understand him not just through the bible, but "I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people" (Leviticus 26:12) and he wants us for that. In fact God wrote mathematics to show his schematics, and he implicitly shows how the bible connects with mathematics.

In fact if we think about it, math is used a lot in this world, and if it was really by random chance, par-say we had a lottery where you were guaranteed death. The way out is to get a black ball in a machine full of white balls. There is one black ball, but the machine is loaded with a billion white balls. What's the odds of pulling the white ball. It's almost impossible! It's like saying "Hey can we get the black ball when there's all these white balls?" For a "life permitting universe" there must be exact amounts of light, heat, and oxygen and all of these mathematical impossibilities. We need to have an exact amount of heat in the air, the world required an exact tuning and I seriously doubt if in a place that is hostile to us, trying to kill us, would just randomly and accidentally appear by chance. For a human to think of not dying in math with 1 in a billion chance, what are the odds? We are important and numbers make up Christ. In fact numbers like 3, 40, 7 are all very special numbers. But I'm here to attack atheism with numbers.

Ok, so to attack atheism and defend God with math, I'm going to expand the Cosmological Argument by my favorite mathematician Gottfried Leibniz. The argument breaks into 5 ideas.
1) Anything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause.
2) If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God.
3) The universe exists.
4) Therefore, the universe has an explanation of its existence (from 1, 3)
5) Therefore, the explanation of the existence of the universe is God (from 2, 4).
Think about this for a moment. It makes sense, but yet people still dispute it by saying "Where did God come from?" This logic would generally be refuted by one line. Because God is the best explanation of anything, does it make sense to question the best? It would be an illogical inconsistency to ask why something is the best and then question it. It doesn't make sense. The other hole is "If the universe was infinite we win." Nope, try again. If something is infinite, we can't generally see it, imagine it and we can't think of it. An actual infinity would still have a point of "genesis" like an origin otherwise it's not infinite. I also note that if something was infinite, there needs to be a consistent amount of matter and because it's infinite, we can't count it. God is uncaused because he is necessary for the existence in the world, it makes sense for something needed to be there, otherwise it's illogical.

Just think about it first...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why Young Earth Creationists Are wrong.

I'm always told that Young Earth Creationism Christianity is the way to go. This most controversial statement  is really just stupid in my own opinion, and I'm not saying this to offend anyone. This is because when we are Christians we generally follow the bible to the crazy extent and we want to listen to it and say "Well the bible says God created the heavens in 7 days." We take this idea for granted and we think that we should take the bible literally at times and think about it as if it should be literal. I really see why, but we need to understand that "Well carbon dating is inconsistent" or "It's in the bible". I have yet to hear one reason that says "I Yahweh has stated that the heavens and the earths were made in 7 human calculated days." Anywho, lets go on to why YEC's are wrong.

1) For the world to be created in 7,000 years+ you are losing the Chinese and you need to rewrite all of ancient history to circle around the biblical ages.
2) It loses the Cosmological Arguments, because the idea is that the cosmos was made billions of years ago, and yet it loses this because the math isn't consistent with the cosmos that we know of. I mean some people say "God made it in 7 days bro read the bible." Well I do, and frankly nothing states that the bible wasn't made in that time.
3) It can't be taken literally all the time. For example: We can't say "Thou shalt not kill" because we all killed at one point in another, whether it's in a game or in a TV show. It just can't.
4) I would add to this by saying that many of the advocates of this position, so called Young Earth Creationists, disseminate outright falsehoods and misinformation and everything from astronomy, to geology and biology, any field of science which disagrees with their reading of what they regard as divinely inspired scripture.

5) "Cramming a brontosaurus into a boat is impossible. next to a T-Rex at least." I can't see it happening, even if the Price is right. I just can't. There was no mentioning of dinosaurs in the bible.

So I've given my 5 reasons why YEC is wrong. Feel free to debate me as to why you think it's right though, of course the other reason why I'm against it is because of the amount of arrogance placed into this research topic. I'm not denying God of course but also we need to use basic logic. After all Christianity proofs are also based on basic logic so just think about it. If we are using basic logic to prove God, and yet it gets proven by crazy physics, why would it be logical for us to try to say the universe existed in 7k+ years. It goes against micro evolution too.

Adam was 700+ years, we assume he made Cain and Abel at 35ish years, then each 35 years occuring we assume there is a large mating season. It adds up to approximately 900,000,000 million people in this earth at the end of 2000 (I really don't want to show the math). This number ignores all other races out there. So we already disproved that fact that Young Earth Creationists are wrong in the number of people living in this world. We assume he made 10 mates each and some might not have made it to mate. Also assuming pain in pregnancy, we assume Eve can only hold 10-20 babies. But this is preposterous, since she clearly isn't Octo-mom. There's something up.

It goes against macro-evolution, which is what I believe in of course. I think that God had to design the cell and protect us from harm, like any good father in heaven or on the floor at least. After all science and God can mix, why we don't do that is because we are biased. I feel that because I'm a calculus major, I feel that there needs to be a God able to control this because, Indeed, not long ago a creation scientist (and Nobel prize winner) stated, “Science is the glimpse of God’s purpose in nature. The very existence of the amazing world of the atom and radiation points to a purposeful creation, to the idea that there is a God and an intelligent purpose back of everything” (A. H. Compton [d. 1962]).

Of course again, read the bible, parts of it can't be taken literally in our parts of life, other than lessons like raping Lot's daughters and stuff like that. Again, I'm just posting my thoughts whether people like it or not. It's an opinion (even though science is on my side and God too, there fools, you need to face through two forces.). I feel that if the facts can change a mind, it should be a rational person's mind to change their mind after viewing it, not change the facts because you aren't rational.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Giving an opinion of sexuality

Why gays are wrong.

In this world that we currently live in, I'm a Taoist and I view the world completely differently than any other person. I try my best to be the kind guy on the block, although we all seem to fail miserably because of emotional anger and I tend to vent it out in mathematics or online blogging now or I think about life and take long walks in the city. We live in a great world with math all around us, whether the train is going at an instantaneous rate of 45 miles per hour and yet we don't feel it or whether the bus is going at 30 miles per hour and need to wait because a line of ducks walk frequently. It's whether we are taking the dot product of matrices or even integrating to find the best amount of space for a house, optimizing life for the best or even just thinking about how the world works makes me smile. Even at watching anime I see calculus in it. In some anime I even envision it and love it like as it my life. Anime changes us and ideas and thoughts and dreams change us. That's why it's dangerous. 

Ideas that change the world can be one of two things: Good and everybody agrees like 1+1=2 or 2+2=4 or we get into this illusion that we want something then we realize it causes more harm like freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is great for bloggers like us, it's good but when some words cross the line, there needs to be limits on how far free speech can go so far. After all it's a biochemical reaction as to how words can affect us and we all tend to think of this as "well it was just words". Words lead to action and action leads to violence and a shipload of deaths. We need to question the words we say leads to a lot of stuff. Look at Islam and "submissions to Allah". I don't want to start a war here but Malaysian Muslims are more kinder than the Arabic or Middle Eastern. I mean I think that the Middle Eastern Muslims can not be just the cause. It's the history and they oppress it and I don't think we need it.

I'm not oppressing freedom of speech or even trying to limit it. I'm talking about all the possible harms in society it can do. I view that freedom of speaking against or for religion is the most vile thing ever. The problem is that there’s no baloney detection module in the brain that says, “That’s a true pattern; that’s a false pattern” with some consistent algorithm that helps us discriminate those. It's not only that but also a lie that we speak for and against it because there is no consistent algorithm that helps us decide if we are free to think, I think at times it should really be oppressed. This is true and I want to get into my next topic: we should not support gay rights in the first place and I think that after a man committed suicide because he was gay and we all jumped the ban-wagon by blaming the man on filming or whichever is the cause of it. Recall Tyler Clementi. Words can affect this. See the connection how gays can cause more problems than solving it? We don't realize it.

You can defend by saying that "They need their rights too." And I disagree with this and this is where I will get philosophical. To give a gay freedom to marry everywhere not only offends those who had been married, but because there is no devotion in this type of love. It's a contradiction and I don't even need to say it's against God. I say this: Gay marriage is wrong because there's no bride, or there's no groom. In fact 1+1 in this situation makes 0. This is bad, because in normal math 2^x (because we are assuming the kid will fall in love with a girl of his dreams, where here 2^x goes to zero in love because the kid is going to . Even if there is "love in the air" it completely fudges up math in this situation, and math to me shows my ideas out there. It's not because of morality but look at how much crap happens when you are gay. I speak experience.

The experience

When I was a slave of Ms. Mednick's office I often saw this kid named Brandon (Not Tappin', white one)
and he was gay. I never offended him or anything, but he was always there during 8th period. I know not because I saw it, I even sensed it that he was gay. I asked why he got bullied and he said he was gay. My mindset was of course, I don't offend because I see him as respectable but still I didn't like that idea. It turns out that there was the last week of school where he got sent down (The day I got my cosplay and yes, it's pretty messed up. As a detective, I saw his grades and because of my honor I will only tell you in real life if you call me. FB is not trustworthy. I even saw him walk out of the school doors and there were a few deans chasing but they failed. I noticed that the gays all have a harder time in school and yet I do one test and I just strait up ask and if they smile well only God knows. (I really don't try to bring God in this because this is more of my neutral typings). 

That isn’t to say that there aren’t hidden agents and predators and conspiracies out there. There are, but gay marriage affects math and evolution in the human race and even the world perhaps because if evolution at any point get's distorted we have one group of people to blame and it's these "atheists" like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. I'm not saying atheism is wrong, but this "love" as acclaimed would really distort the way that the world is and how the future is. I'm a humanist and I don't want to see half male sex based organs and wrong looking distorted genes in this world. It's just how I view gay marriage and if evolution and math doesn't allow it, I can't allow it.

What is the "greatness lie?"

What is the "greatness lie?"

          This lie is ultimately the least noticed lie in all of history and it is with great honor that I present the lie in front of you. In fact we don't even realize that this is a lie. We accept it a lot and we tend to use it as motivation and we are all saying all these useful words and think we motivate each other. The lie is so blatantly evil that we don't realize we harm others when we motivate them. This is because we have our own mindsets on greatness. I fell that we have lied to people for too long. It's weird but sometimes we don't realize this as a lie. I honestly mean this. And we need to say that this lie needs to go away. It's great to have motivation in life, not denying it. In fact I admit that we all say this lie daily. We don't even realize it. It goes as simple as one line.

"You'll succeed."

          I have heard this for years and I never actually had the guts to tell people that no I won't and I'm not a pessimist or anything, in fact, I'm calling this a lie because you don't know what our success it. If success was something so easy to earn, then I'm pretty sure we can all be happy and not really need to say such a useless line. I mean it's easy to defend and say "It's not a lie though, I really think you will succeed. It's not anything to hurt you. It's motivation." I feel that this is the greatest thing that they will use to defend themselves with. Ask this though "Are you trying to say this as a cover to see me fail? It's a contradiction because we want to see ourselves better than others. So by you to say 'You'll succeed," what defines that success? Is it by our powers, or is it by action? In fact, why do you want me to succeed? Slavery? or is it to say this 'I told you so, that you'd fail in life' and offend me." I'd think that this is just a great blatant lie, even if we say it comes from the heart, we lied. We didn't define success. Success is not easily defined. Some say it's a dream job, other say it's money. I think it's who we are, if we find who we are and really don't regret it we have succeeded. Again success is dependent on your point of view.
          I personally don't really liked to be called successful because I see it as a lie and I degrade myself whenever I hear this. I say "Good luck on your goal and try your best. I rarely try to say "You'll succeed." because I really don't want to lie and say 'You'll do it and then if you fail well don't blame me because I screwed you over.'" I feel that it's a lie in disguise and if you don't feel the same well this is where I voice how I feel.

What does this need to do with mathematics?

I think that as a mathematician I hear this lie all the time. To be completely honest, you can't get more successful than a PhD and typing up crazy papers and lecturing students. This is just unless you want to be like "God of Mathematics" and I don't think that would really respect anybody and that's not respecting anybody. Math has no 'God' and I mean we can't bow down to somebody because we are all humans and I well fell that mathematics and success does mix, but my definition and I guess my goal is to be a professor in mathematics. I just wish that these lies where we see these "you'll succeed" to be replaced to "wish for the best" as a much more better tone. We need to adjust our tones and think of the future. After all what will the future generations come down to? Stop that lie, and start wishing for the best because we all fail in life one way or another!