Why the Air Conditioning shouldn't be turned on and calculus?!
Normally I don't talk about something as stupid as to why the air conditioning should be on and off, but generally I feel that many people in New York tend to leave the Air Conditioning on like crazy and Manhattan is also one of the greatest users in power and we generally don't see any harm the instant we walk into an Ice Cold SoHo store or even just an ice cold McDonalds. Then the instant that we stay in it our bodies still sweat and we still feel warm regardless. Our bodies are really tricking us when we say that it is hot outside because our bodies are sweating. But that's beside the point. I'm not talking about the body reaction to heat.
I'm talking about saving power people. It's summer and our bills go sky high and some of us even work in this nasty summer in places that we really wish that it was an "ice cold air conditioned room". We tend to say all these things that we want a "great feeling room and it is a great sensation" on the moment we walk in of course. Our bodies regulate our heat with sweat and I completely understand that people may faint due to heat stroke. I'm not saying that you shouldn't enter an AC'ed area but I'm trying to say that if you enter an AC'ed location they should probably turn it off. Nobody realizes how much power these giant steam removers do.
Now see how the air gets blown out by the fan at the back of your Air Conditioning? The heat is very hot at the back and it blows it away. Now because the fan blows the back of the air away and all that hot air goes to the back, or so we think where does it truly go? Outside and suppose we went outside, a meteorologist would generally say "It's 89 degrees in Central park" and I really won't deny that Central Park is probably 89 degrees. But it is most likely at a spot which means he took the weighted average of the area. This means he/she took the area under the curve and It's more easier like this.
Understood? He took the weighed average and it is not guaranteed that the temperature can actually be 89 degrees. In 3D calculus we understand this with contour plots and partial derivatives where the temperature in the air varies. If you climb higher though, odds are the temperature actually INCREASES. You were told that the higher up you go it would be cooler no? It's warmer because we decided that all air conditioners would blast hot air in front of your face the higher you climb. And this isn't even a "Global Warming OMG Bradley is a hipster" type of logic. It makes sense that the high up you go in a mountain, it's just logic. This link might show you the change in temperature, and if we check out how far one can go in this world. In fact if we realize this, we can make a difference. The area under a curve doesn't just tell us how much heat we have in total, it tells us what we should do to reduce the total amount of heat going up in this world.
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