Shingeki no Mushinron (Advancing atheism)
What does this need to do with anything that I generally type up? I look at this world as a mathematical view point and I'm a hard core jokers, kick back those shoes, relax type of mother fudgin' guy and we love that in life. In fact as a theist, and a taoist I find a balance in relaxation and being serious, and it's just who I am. I love my life and I love being human and it's who I am. My spiritualism comes from mathematics and I guess there are great mathematicians I look up to and I almost love thinking about and just talking about. Gottfried Leibniz, Isaac Newton, John Lennox, Leo, Galileo, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Gregor Mendel, I mean the list goes on. I mean I feel that I want to follow their footsteps when I grow up which is kinda funny because it's probably going to be in like 2-3 weeks when I go to my first calculus class.
If I'm a mathematician and a Taoist, why do I hate atheism? You probably already guessed that all those great mathematicians make up this entire world. Its not atheism that I'm against. It's the way they deal with religion and because atheists consistently attempt to take the higher ground by insisting Christians are mental midgets for believing in a non-existent "sky god."They insist that the Judeo-Christian Bible is a book of fairy tales. At one website where I have debated, the Bible was routinely referred to by atheists as the BuyBull. Not only that, in most of my conversations with atheists at various websites, their usual accusation is that because of the belief in God, theists have committed all sorts of human rights violations in the name of "cult based religions." According to the many atheists I have debated at other websites, it is the belief in God that has caused people to commit the various atrocities common to mankind. Remove religion, belief in God, and belief in the Bible--the atheists argue--and the world will be a better place. This latter conclusion is mortally flawed for the following reasons:
1. Atheists have committed human rights violations en masse throughout history. For instance, Joseph Stalin--the atheist--ordered the deaths of between 40 million to 62 million people (20 million of which were everyday Soviet civilians), compared to the 9 million or so killed by Adolph Hitler the Roman Catholic who merely claimed he was a Christian. (He was actually atheist)
In reality, the problem is not the Bible or God. The problem is people, including those in false religions which have failed to teach the masses Biblical truths. An appreciation for Biblical truths and Jehovah's righteous standards of what's right and what's wrong is the only detriment against people committing human rights violations. Blaming God for the crimes of false Christians and other false religions is an attempt at passing the buck.
"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)
"They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own. A generation crooked and twisted!" (Deuteronomy 32:5)
2. Atheism is itself a religion. While atheist will argue that they don't believe in any god, the issue is not merely non-belief in God or gods but inhaving ANY sort of belief system that is vitally important in one's life. The belief system of atheism is centered around the default atheist philosophy of "Secular Humanism."
3. Atheism is a religion according to a 2005 Wisconsin Federal Court ruling on the matter of Kaufman v. McCaughtry, as well as the Torcaso v. Watkins case by the 1961 U.S. Supreme Court—the highest court in the land—where court rulings become national law.
So to say that you are an atheist means you are combating against your own religion. Isn't it obvious that "I say religion is wrong, but I use religious methods to deal with it." Religion is about beliefs and it's contradictions all over again. So why do we bother with lies and denying who we are? If we actually deny our religion than we are non religious atheists and we "don't believe in God nor anything or even existence" because we don't believe in anything. In fact to be an atheist, you must admit this: There is no God, there is no moralities and moral crap and we don't exist. We also need nothing and we shouldn't care for anything and anybody. But this is plain absurd. Richard Dawkins actually tells us not to follow the 10 commandments. Rather he tells us to follow his commandments. (Hmmm...)
• Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. (So if you attack me why can't I attack you?)
• In all things, strive to cause no harm. (Thou shalt not kill.)
• Treat your fellow human beings, your fellow living things, and the world in general with love, honesty, faithfulness and respect. (Or love thy neighbor, honor parents, all that jazz.)
• Do not overlook evil or shrink from administering justice, but always be ready to forgive wrongdoing freely admitted and honestly regretted. (So during Judgment day when God administers justice don't overlook it then. Lol.)
• Live life with a sense of joy and wonder. (Hmmm, I think I can get that from Taoism...)
• Always seek to be learning something new. (Like Christianity and why it's true...)
• Test all things; always check your ideas against the facts, and be ready to discard even a cherished belief if it does not conform to them. (Can I test atheism too?)
• Never seek to censor or cut yourself off from dissent; always respect the right of others to disagree with you. (So then why are you a militant atheist?)
• Form independent opinions on the basis of your own reason and experience; do not allow yourself to be led blindly by others. (EXACTLY, so why are you trying to make me not be a Christian over my own experience...)
• Question everything. (Can I question atheism too?)
It makes no sense, like I'm questioning atheism here. You tell us not to follow the 10 commandments, then why is it wrong for me to question your 10 commandments? Why is it wrong for me to question everything. You state it yourself, question everything so why can't question atheism? It's a contradiction in itself. I mean honestly I can think of how great of a contradiction Richard Dawkins makes here. It's a no brainer, he makes contradictions and yet people tend to think that he is right. If he is right I'm willing to make a bet, man, that when we die if God doesn't exist, NOTHING HAPPENS, ok? You die, you rot, you become nothing and we don't do our job and cool. IF God exists though, we are all in deep trouble, the fact that we die and we will go to hell and this is because you stupidly and arrogantly kept yourself. Question things that don't make sense and this doesn't make sense. I'm assuming God exists of course.
I'm asking a question here. If you really want to question everything, go everywhere and expose your mind and be up to you to decide. Of course atheists can attack by saying "Well Christianity is a cult based religion and a stereotypical religion." Yea well, one more can join the box and that's atheism. You fail to see your own foolishness and you fare WORSE because at least it's safer to bet YES than NO. In fact because they fail to see their own foolishness and we as Christians can not follow the road of foolishness like these men have fallen. We can't fall like these men and we must bound strong and like the integral and derivative who rely on each other to balance each other, like Ying and Yang we must not rely on flimsy statements like these.
Math says nothing about God being false, physics says nothing about God, in fact, I've studied calculus like a maniac (Play the song). Ok we get the point, anyways so to say nothing exists it's a no brainer. I mean 2+2=5?! I think there is a problem here, and it isn't us. Well of course we are willing to "deny logic to deny god" and they claim we are using the god of the gaps theory. What? God of Gaps is like saying "IDK, therefore God." and they say "Infinity is allowed in the universe," yet God can't be infinite. Something is fishy here, and I'm not talking about Happy offering a fish to Carla. In fact, here is a crazy video, that "nothing indeed come from nothing!" What?! Time exists, we exist, but it's nothing comes from nothing. "Even if I doubt, therefore I am. Something has to exist!" Odds are it's probably God. There.
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