1) For the world to be created in 7,000 years+ you are losing the Chinese and you need to rewrite all of ancient history to circle around the biblical ages.
2) It loses the Cosmological Arguments, because the idea is that the cosmos was made billions of years ago, and yet it loses this because the math isn't consistent with the cosmos that we know of. I mean some people say "God made it in 7 days bro read the bible." Well I do, and frankly nothing states that the bible wasn't made in that time.
3) It can't be taken literally all the time. For example: We can't say "Thou shalt not kill" because we all killed at one point in another, whether it's in a game or in a TV show. It just can't.
4) I would add to this by saying that many of the advocates of this position, so called Young Earth Creationists, disseminate outright falsehoods and misinformation and everything from astronomy, to geology and biology, any field of science which disagrees with their reading of what they regard as divinely inspired scripture.
5) "Cramming a brontosaurus into a boat is impossible. next to a T-Rex at least." I can't see it happening, even if the Price is right. I just can't. There was no mentioning of dinosaurs in the bible.
So I've given my 5 reasons why YEC is wrong. Feel free to debate me as to why you think it's right though, of course the other reason why I'm against it is because of the amount of arrogance placed into this research topic. I'm not denying God of course but also we need to use basic logic. After all Christianity proofs are also based on basic logic so just think about it. If we are using basic logic to prove God, and yet it gets proven by crazy physics, why would it be logical for us to try to say the universe existed in 7k+ years. It goes against micro evolution too.
Adam was 700+ years, we assume he made Cain and Abel at 35ish years, then each 35 years occuring we assume there is a large mating season. It adds up to approximately 900,000,000 million people in this earth at the end of 2000 (I really don't want to show the math). This number ignores all other races out there. So we already disproved that fact that Young Earth Creationists are wrong in the number of people living in this world. We assume he made 10 mates each and some might not have made it to mate. Also assuming pain in pregnancy, we assume Eve can only hold 10-20 babies. But this is preposterous, since she clearly isn't Octo-mom. There's something up.
It goes against macro-evolution, which is what I believe in of course. I think that God had to design the cell and protect us from harm, like any good father in heaven or on the floor at least. After all science and God can mix, why we don't do that is because we are biased. I feel that because I'm a calculus major, I feel that there needs to be a God able to control this because, Indeed, not long ago a creation scientist (and Nobel prize winner) stated, “Science is the glimpse of God’s purpose in nature. The very existence of the amazing world of the atom and radiation points to a purposeful creation, to the idea that there is a God and an intelligent purpose back of everything” (A. H. Compton [d. 1962]).
Of course again, read the bible, parts of it can't be taken literally in our parts of life, other than lessons like raping Lot's daughters and stuff like that. Again, I'm just posting my thoughts whether people like it or not. It's an opinion (even though science is on my side and God too, there fools, you need to face through two forces.). I feel that if the facts can change a mind, it should be a rational person's mind to change their mind after viewing it, not change the facts because you aren't rational.
Adam was 700+ years, we assume he made Cain and Abel at 35ish years, then each 35 years occuring we assume there is a large mating season. It adds up to approximately 900,000,000 million people in this earth at the end of 2000 (I really don't want to show the math). This number ignores all other races out there. So we already disproved that fact that Young Earth Creationists are wrong in the number of people living in this world. We assume he made 10 mates each and some might not have made it to mate. Also assuming pain in pregnancy, we assume Eve can only hold 10-20 babies. But this is preposterous, since she clearly isn't Octo-mom. There's something up.
It goes against macro-evolution, which is what I believe in of course. I think that God had to design the cell and protect us from harm, like any good father in heaven or on the floor at least. After all science and God can mix, why we don't do that is because we are biased. I feel that because I'm a calculus major, I feel that there needs to be a God able to control this because, Indeed, not long ago a creation scientist (and Nobel prize winner) stated, “Science is the glimpse of God’s purpose in nature. The very existence of the amazing world of the atom and radiation points to a purposeful creation, to the idea that there is a God and an intelligent purpose back of everything” (A. H. Compton [d. 1962]).
Of course again, read the bible, parts of it can't be taken literally in our parts of life, other than lessons like raping Lot's daughters and stuff like that. Again, I'm just posting my thoughts whether people like it or not. It's an opinion (even though science is on my side and God too, there fools, you need to face through two forces.). I feel that if the facts can change a mind, it should be a rational person's mind to change their mind after viewing it, not change the facts because you aren't rational.
Hey dude! Glad you brought the subject up. This is an area of studying that takes time to put the pieces together and process in the mind. At least it did for me being the evolutionist that I was. What does Genesis define as the first Day? One period of darkness and one period of light. In this context, these periods cannot have happened over millions of years. Therefore, the bible does explicitly mean a literal day. Jesus clearly said the heavens and the earth were made in six days, and the Apostles affirm that Jesus Himself was the one who created it, why would Jesus give a different story? An allegorical interpretation is insufficient and doesn't line up with the rest of the Word. To reject the young earth is to reject the bible as any kind of authority. I would be happy to demonstrate more examples of this to you if you like. Study the bible more often. Come to Thursday night Bible study.